
How To Install A Tarp Cover For An Above-Ground Pool

When winter looms, you have to start thinking about closing your pool, but you likely forgot about buying a pool cover. A pool cover keeps the pool clean and prevents chemical loss. The most common type of winter pool cover is made from tarp with grommets and a cable to secure it. Follow these steps to install an above-ground pool cover for winter. Prepare to Install the Cover To install the pool cover, you need: Read More 

Key Facts About Natural Swimming Pools For Homeowners

When you're looking at options to install a swimming pool in your yard, one of the most unique and unusual styles you can consider is a natural swimming pool. Natural pools are those that use biological filtration instead of relying on chemicals like chlorine and other items. They look similar to traditional pools except for the marine life and plants that are used for keeping them clean and safe for swimming. Read More 

Four Factors To Consider When Choosing A Hot Tub For Your Bed And Breakfast

Owning a bed and breakfast can be expensive and time consuming. If you want your bed and breakfast to be as profitable as it can possibly be, you need to do everything that you can to make it appealing to guests. Adding a hot tub to the property can be a great way to attract more business. The following guide walks you through a few things to consider when purchasing a hot tub to use at your bed and breakfast. Read More 

Two Reasons Why Now Is A Great Time To Get A Swimming Pool

If you've come into some extra money and have decided to invest it in your house, there are a number of different routes you can take.  You might be thinking about renovating your kitchen by upgrading the appliances and redoing the cabinets or modernizing your bathrooms with a frameless shower and energy efficient fixtures.  However, if you want to make a change to your property that will truly be transformative, you should install a pool. Read More 

3 Common Reasons For Swimming Pool Pump Repair

The swimming pool pump is one of the most important parts of your swimming pool's plumbing system. It is responsible for creating the pressure in the pool to force the water to flow through the filter; it is basically the work horse of your pool's filtration system. Unfortunately, swimming pool pump repair may be necessary for a variety of reasons. Here are some of the most common reasons your pool pump may need to be repaired or replaced. Read More